Tutorial de ©Tamer  - Original Aqui

Tutorial realizado no Psp 16


O tube de animal é de Yoka


Plugins Utilizados:

Mura's Meister - Cloud

Filter Factory Gallery A - Mirror Mirror

Mura's Meister - Perspective Tiling

L&K - Trouble

Eye Candy 5 Impact - Extrude

Eye Candy 5 Impact - Glass

Abra os  Tubes e a Mask no PSP

Salve o preset Flood

Coloque a Texture na pasta de texturas

Salve os Brushes no Psp

Você pode mudar os Blend Modes de acordo com suas cores

Foreground Cor #32342a

Background Cor #1d1d1d

1 - Abra uma imagem  transparente de 900/600 pixels

2 - Effects / Plugin /  Mura's Meister / Cloud ( Default )

3 - Effects / Plugin /Factory Gallery A / Mirror Mirror ( Default )

4 - Layers / Duplicate [ Copy of Raster 1 ]

5 - Effects /Plugin / Mura's Meister / Perspective Tiling ( Default )

6 - Ative a ferramenta Pick Tool / Arraste até 300 px

7 - Seections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk / NaturalLifeSelection1

8 - Pressione DELETE

9 - Selections / Select None

10 - Ative a layer Raster 1

11 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 2 ]

12 - Mude a cor do foreground para a cor #acb297

13 - Selections / Load/Save Selections / Load Selection from Disk / NaturalLifeSelection2

14 - Preencha com a cor do foreground

15 - Selections / Select None

16 - Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 50

17 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 3 ]

18 - Mude a cor do foreground para #32342a

19 - Ative a ferramenta Paint Brush tool / Brush Cloud / Carimbe com a cor do foreground

Veja os locais a ser aplicado o brush na imagem de Tamer.

20 - Ative a layer superior  ( Copy of Raster 1 )

21 - Abra o tube <<downonthefarm>>Copie

22 - Cole como nova layer [ Raster 4 ]

23 - Image / Resize 35% (resize all layers desmarcado)

24 - Blend Mode LUMINANCE (L)

25 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

26 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 5 ]

27 - Mude a cor do foreground para #acb297

28 - Custom Selection

29 - Preencha com a cor do foreground

30 - Selections / Select None

31 - Adjust / Blur / Gaussia Blur 50

32 - Efects / Plugin /  L&K Trouble ( Default )

33 - Opacidade 15

34 - Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

35 - Foreground cor #1d1d1d

36 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 6 ]

37 - Ative a ferramenta Paint Brush Tool / BrushBirds / Carimbe com a cor do foreground

Como mostra à imagem de Tamer:

38 - Abra o tube Tree  / Copie

39 - Cole como nova Layer [ Raster 7 ]

40 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

41 -  Blend Mode LUMINANCE (L)

42 - Effcets / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0,0,100,0 /#000000

43 - Layers / Duplicate [ Copy of Raster 7 ]

44 - Image / Mirror

45 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 8 ]

46 - Mude a cor do foreground para #ffffff

47 - Selection / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk: NaturalLifeSelection3

48 - Preencha com a cor do foreground

49 - Selections / Select None

50 - Effects / Distortion Effects / Wave

51 - Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 30

52 -  Blend Mode DODGE

53 -  Opacidade 40

54 - Layers /Duplicate [ Copy of Raster 8 ]

55 - Image / Mirror

56 - Opacidade 30

57 - Abra o tube Text Wild / Copie

58 - Cole como nova layer [ Raster 9 ]

59 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

60 - Layers / Duplicate [ Copy of Raster 9 ]

61 - Ative a layer original ( Raster 9 )

62 - Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur 5

63 - Ative novamente a layer superior ( Copf of Raster 9 )

64 - Ative a ferramenta Magic wand e selecione as letras: W - I - L - D

65 - Preencha com o gradiente:

Foreground Cor #acb297

Background Cor #1d1d1d

Mantenha a Seleção !!!

66 - Effects / Eye Candy 5 Impact / Extrude ( NaturalLifeExtrude )

67 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 10 ]

68 - Mude a Cor do foreground para  #1d1d1d

69 - Preencha com a  Texture Cork ( Corel 15-037 )

70 - Effects / Texture Effects / Mosaic Glass

71 - Opacidade 80

72 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 11 ]

73 - Foreground cor #1d1d1d

74 - Ative a ferramenta  Paint Bursh Tool / NaturalLifeivyBrush / Carimbe com a cor do foreground

75 - Selections / Select None

76 - Layers / New Rater Layer [ Raster 12 ]

77 - Ative a ferramenta Paint Brush Tool / NaturalLifeGrassBrush / Carimbe com a cor do foreground #1d1d1d

Carimbe duas vezes

Arraste um pouco para a direita e carimbe novamente o brush, duas vezes.

Novamente arraste um pouco para a direita e carimbe duas vezes:

78 - Image Add Borders:

79 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 1 ]

80 - Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk / NaturalLifeSelection4

81 - Foreground cor #ffffff

82 - Flood Fill Opacidade 20

83 - Preencha com a cor do Foreground

( Mude a opacidade do flood Fill para 100 )

84 - Selections / Select None

85 - Ative a ferramenta Pen Tool Styled Line : Dot, Width : 2

Crie duas linhas:

86 - Layers / Merge/ Merge Down [ Raster 1 ]

87 - Layers / Duplicate [ Copy of Raster 1 ]

88 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

89 - Opacidade 50

90 - Abra o Tube NaturalLifeText1 / Copie

91 - Cole como nova Layer [ Raster 2 ]

92 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

93 - Effcets / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 8,8,68,11 #000000

94 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 3 ]

95 - Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk / NatıralLifeSelection5

96 - Preencha a seleção com a cor #ffffff

97 - Selection / Modify / Contract 1

98 - Preencha a seleção com a cor #1d1d1d

99 - Effects / Plugin /Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass / Preset: NaturalLife-Glass

100 - Selections / Select None

101 - Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 4,4,76,6 #000000

102 - Layers / New Raster Layer [ Raster 4 ]

103 - Selections / Load/Save Selection / Load Selection from Disk/ NaturalLifeSelection6

104 - Preencha a seleção com a cor #ffffff

105 - Selections / Modify / Contract 1

106 - Preencha a seleção com a cor #1d1d1d

107 - Effects / Plugin / Eye Candy 5 Impact / Preset: naturalLife Glass

108 - Selections / Select None

109 - Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 2,2,76,6 #000000

110 - Image / Add Borders 50 pixels #1d1d1d

111 - Abra o Tube Yoka-OWL-on-Branch-240314 / Copie

112 - Cole como nova Layer [ Raster 1 ]

113 - Image / Resize  / 60% (All layers desmarcado)

114 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

115 - Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 8,8,76,35 #000000

116 - Abra o Tube NaturalLifeText2  / Copie

117 - Cole como nova layer [ Raster 2 ]

118 - Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

119 - Coloque a sua marca d'água

120 - Image /  Add Borders / 1 px #000000

121 - Image / Resize / 900 pixels de largura

Salve como jpg


©Tutorial Traduzido por Estela Fonseca 29/05/2014.
Obrigada Tamer por me permitir traduzir seu trabalho.