Tutorial de Violette Graphic , original, Aqui.

Tutorial realizado no PSP X8 mas pode ser feito em versões anteriores do PSP.


Materiais Necessários:

Tube de Azalée

Mask de Narah (Narah_mask_0421.jpg)

Seleção <<Vyp_Sisters.PspSelection >>

Outros materiais de @Violette


Plugins Utilizados:

&< BKG Designers sf10 II > Hinzeberg's Mirror 02

Mura's Meister/perspectives Tiling

Medhi/Sorting Tiles



AAA Frame/Foto Frame

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact



Abra os tubes, duplique e feche os originais.

Copie a Seleção para a pasta de seleções do PSP

01 - Primeiro Plano cor  #c3b3c3 / Segundo Plano Cor #574355

Gradiente <<Fore/Background>> Estilo <<Radial>> Angle : 359°/ Repeats: 5 / Invet Marcado

02 - Abra uma Nova Imagem Gradiente de 900/500 pixels

03 - Effects / Plugin / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 &< BKG Designers sf10 II > Hinzeberg's Mirror 02

Effects / Plugin / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 &< BKG Designers sf10 II > Hinzeberg's Mirror 02

04- Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Plugin / Mura's Meister/perspectives Tiling:

Selecione a Parte transparente com a Varinha Mágica

Selections / Modify / Feather: 60

Pressione de 3 à 4 Vezes a tecla Delete do seu teclado

Selections / Select None

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

05 - Ative a Layer do Fundo <<Raster 1>>

Effects / Plugin / Medhi / Sorting Tiles:

Effects / Plugin / Funhouse/Loom / Default

7 - Selections / Load save selection / Load selection from disk: Vyp_sisters01.PspSelection

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Layers / Arrange / Bring to Top

Selections / Select None

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

8 - Effects/ Texture Effects / Weave:

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling:

Blend Mode / Lighten

Layers / Duplicate

Blend Mode / Multiply

08 - Ative a Layer do Topo

Effects / Geometric Effects / Skew

09 -Selections / Load save selection / Load selection from disk: Vyp_sisters02.PspSelection

Delete no teclado

Selections / Select None

Effects/ 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 56/36/40/1/cor #000000/ Marque  "shadow on new layer"

Effects / Plugin / Penta com/jeans:

Blend Mode / Dodge

10 - Ative a Layer do Topo

Edit / Copy Special / Copy Merged

Cole como Nova Imagem

Image / Resize / 15% (resize all layers marcado)

Effects / Plugin / AAA Frame / Foto Frame:

12 - Copie e Cole como nova layer

Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Image Effects / Offset

Image / Flip / Flip Horizontal

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Image Effects / Offset:


Ative a Layer do topo

Layers / Merge / Merge Down ( 2 vezes)

Effects/ 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:  8/8/40/1/cor #c3b3c3 (Shadow on New layer)

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

12 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Sis.ters_deco01.pspimage>>

Copie e Cole como nova Layer

Effects / Image Effects / Offset

14 - Ative o tube <<Femme-1377-Azalee.png>>

Apague a Marca d'água

Copie e Cole como nova Layer

Image / Resize / 80% ( 3 vezes) ( desmarque: All Layers)

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen


Layers / Duplicate

Ative a layer << Raster 4>>

Adjust / Blur / Radial Blur

Blend Mode / Hard Light

15 - Ative a Layer do topo

Effects / Plugin / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 /Impact / Perspective Shadow/ preset Vyp_Shadow_Sis.ters.f1s

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow: 0 / 14 / 40 / 25,00 / #000000

15- Ative a Layer <<Copy of Promoted selection>>

Layers / New Raster Layer

Preencha com a cor  #ffffff

Abra a Mask <<Narah_mask_0421.jpg>>

Image / Flip / Flip Horizontal


Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image: Narah_mask_0421.jpg

Layers / Duplicate

Layers / Merge / Merge Group

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling


17 - Ative o tube << Vyp_Sis.ters_text01.pspimage>>

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Posicione como segue

18 - Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #574355

Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /  10 pixels cor #fefefe

Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /  1 pixel couleur #574355

Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /  3 pixels couleur #fefefe

Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /  1 pixel couleur #574355

Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /  40 pixels couleur #fefefe

19 - Selections / Select All

Selections / Modify / Contract 40 pixels

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/25/cor #574355

Selections / Select None

20 - Ative o tube << Vyp_Sis-ters_text02.pspimage>>

Copie e Cole como nova layer


21 -Image/Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #574355

22 - Coloque a sua assinatura

23 - Layers / Merge / Merge All

24- Exporte Como JPEG Optimizado

Versão com tube de Silvina Vanesa Orsi:


©Tutorial traduzido por Estela Fonseca  em 08/05/2017.
Não alterar nem repassar sem autorização.