Tutorial de Violette Graphic , original, Aqui.

Tutorial realizado no PSP X9 mas pode ser feito em versões anteriores do PSP.


Materiais Necessários:

Tube de Coly

Máscara de : adita_mask_02.jpg ( Abra no Psp e minimize)

Seleções em canal alfa:  Vyp_Alpha_Jenny.PspImage

Demais materiais de @Violette

Plugins Utilizados:

Mehdi/Wavy lab 1.1/Sorting Tiles

Carolaine & Sensibility /CS-DLines/CS-texture


Mura's Meister/Perspective Tiling

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 /Impact Perspective Shadow

Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow


Abra os tubes no PSP, duplique e feche os originais.

Tabela de Cores:

1 - Primeiro Plano cor #b4b8d6 e Segundo Plano cor #505992

2 - Abra o arquivo << Vyp_Alpha_Jenny.pspimage>>

Estes arquivo contém seleções em canal alfa

Windows / Duplicate

Feche a original

Trabalhe na cópia

3- Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Wavy lab 1.1:

Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius: 35

4 - Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Sorting Tiles:

5 - Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Sorting Tiles:

6 - Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling:

Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Layers / Duplicate

Blend Mode / Soft Light

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

6 - Selections / Load Save selection / Load selection from alpha channel: Selection #1

Selections / Promote selection to layer

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine & Sensibility / CS-DLines:

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/40/15/cor #333a61

Selections / Select None

7 - Ative a Layer <<Raster 1>>

Selections / Load Save selection / Load selection from alpha channel: Selection #2

Selections / Promote selection to layer

Layers / Arrange / Bring to top

Effects / Plugins / Carolaine & Sensibility / CS-texture:

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/40/15/cor #333a61

Selections / Select None

8 - Ative a Layer <<Raster 1>>

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Geometric Effects / Skew:

Opacidade / 70%

Effects / Plugins / Sybia /Tremorsc :

9 - Ative a Layer do topo

Effects / Distortion Effects / Punch:

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling:

10 - Ative a Layer <<Raster 1>>

Layers / New Raster Layer

Preencha com a cor #ffffff

Ative a Mask <<adita_mask_02.jpg>> Minimize

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image: adita_mask_02.jpg

Layers / Merge / Merge Group

Layers / Arrange / Move Up


11 - Ative a Layer <<raster 1>>

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Plugins / Mura's Meister / Perspective Tiling:

Layers / Arrange / Brint to top

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 5/5/60/25/cor #000000

12 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Jenny_Deco1.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

Objects/ Align / Top

Opacidade / 80%

13 - Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Select All

Ative o tube <<Vyp_Jenny_Deco2.pspimage>> Copie e Cole na seleção

Selections / Select None

Blend Mode / Multiply

Opacidade / 30%

14 - Ative o tube << femme567-coly.png>> Remova a marca da autora

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Image / Resize / 70%... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado

Image / Resize / 95%... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Ferramenta <<Pick Tool (K)>> Posição de X: 312 / Posição de Y: 0

Tecla  "A" para sair da ferramenta

Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow / preset : Vyp_Shadow_Jenny.f1s

Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow / preset : Vyp_Shadow2_Jenny.f1s

18 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Jenny_text01.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

Ferramenta <<Pick Tool (K)>> Posição de X: 549 / Posição de Y: 39

Tecla  "A" para sair da ferramenta

19 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #333a61

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #333a61

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado /1 pixel cor #333a61

20 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 20 pixels cor #ffffff

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 10 pixels cor #333a61

Selecione com a Varinha Mágica essa borda

Effects / Plugins / Graphic Plus/Cross Shadow / Default

20 - Selections / Select All

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 45 pixels cor #ffffff

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/30/cor #000000

Selections / Select None

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #333a61

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff

Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #333a61

21 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Jenny_Deco03.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

22 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #333a61

23 - Coloque a sua assinatura

24 - Layers / Merge / Merge All (Flatten)

25 - Exporte como JPG Otimizado.

Versão com tube de Verlaine:


©Tutorial traduzido por Estela Fonseca  em 24/01/2019.
Não alterar nem repassar sem autorização.