Tutorial de Violette Graphic , original, Aqui.
Tutorial realizado no PSP X9 mas pode ser feito em versões anteriores do PSP.
Materiais Necessários:
Tube de Babette sua autorização AQUI.
Mask de Narah: Narah_mask_0421.pspimage , seu grupo, AQUI.
Seleções em canal alfa: Vyp_Alpha_Cybille.PspImage
Demais materiais de @Violette
Plugins Utilizados :
Mehdi / Wavy lab 1.1 / Sorting Tiles
Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror
Graphic Plus / Vertical Mirror / Cross Shadow
L&K / Zitah
Carolaine & Sensibility /CS-DLines
&<Bkg Designers sf10 I> / Corner Right Wrap
Bkg Designer sf10 I / Circular Weave
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Glass
Simple / Top Left Mirror
Abra a Mask no PSP e Minimize.
Abra os tubes no PSP, duplique e feche os originais.
Tabela de Cores:
1 - Primeiro Plano cor #579cbb e Segundo Plano #fff4ee
2 - Abra a Layer <<Vyp_Alpha_Cybille.pspimage>>Window / Duplicate
Feche a Original
3- Effects / Plugins / Mehdi / Wavy lab 1.1:
4 - Effects / Plugins / Medhi / Sorting Tiles:
Effects / Plugins / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror:
5 - Effects / Reflection Effects / Rotating Mirror:
6 - EFfects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Vertical Mirror:
7 - Selections / Load-Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #1
Selections / Promote Selection to Layer
Selections / Select None
8 - Ative a Layer do Fundo <<Raster 1>>
Effects / Plugins / L&K / Zitah:
9 - Ative a Layer <<Promoted Selection>>
Selections / Load-Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #2
Selections / Promote Selection to Layer
Effects / Plugins / Carolaine & Sensibility / CS-DLines:
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/20/cor #337fa1
Selections / Select None
Ative a Layer <<Promoted Selection>>
10 - Selections / Load-Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #3
Selections / Promote Selection to Layer
Effects / Texture Effects / Weave
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/20/cor #337fa1
Selections / Select None11 - Ative a Layers <<Promoted Selection>>
Effects/ Plugins / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 / &<Bkg Designers sf10 I> Corner Right Wrap:
Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance
12 - Ative a Layer <<Raster 1>>
Selections / Load-Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #4
Selections / Promote Selection to Layer
Selections / Select None
13 - Ative a Layer <<Promoted Selection 1>>
Layers / Merge / Merge Down (3 Vezes)
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/60/20/cor #337fa1
14 - Ative a Layer do Fundo <<Raster 1>>
Effects / Plugins / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 / Bkg Designer sf10 I / Circular Weave / Default
14 - Ative a Layer do topo
Ative o tube << Vyp_Cybille_Deco1.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer
Ferramenta <<Pick Tool>> Position de X= 205,00 / Position de Y= 18
Tecla "A" para sair da ferramenta
15 - Layers / New Raster Layer
Selections / Load-Save Selection / Load Selection From Alpha Channel: Selection #5
Preencha com a cor #579cbb
Effects / Plugins / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Glass/ preset Clear
Selections / Select None16 - Layers / Merge / Merge Down
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: : 1/1/60/1/cor #337fa1
Effects / Plugins / Simple / Top Left Mirror
17 - Layers / New Raster LayerPreencha com a cor #ffffff
Ative a Mask << Narah_mask_0421.pspimage>> Minimize no PSP
Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image: Narah_mask_0421.pspimage
Layers / Merge / Merge Group
Ferramenta <<Pick Tool>> Position de X= 0,00 / Position de Y= -252
Tecla "A" para sair da ferramenta
Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling:
18 - Ative o tube <<babette - 351 - 14.png>> Copie e Cole como nova layer
Não esqueça de remover o logotipo
Image / Resize / 85% ... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado
Image / Resize / 75% ... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado
Ferramenta <<Pick Tool>> Position de X= 173,00 / Position de Y= 4,00
Tecla "A" para sair da ferramentaLayers / Duplicate
Ative a Layer imediatamente inferior a essa (Raster 3)
Adjust / Blur / Gaussian Blur / Radius 15Blend Mode / Multiply
Opacidade / 80%
Ative a Layer do Topo
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/-7/50/30 /cor #337fa1
18 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Cybille_text01.pspimage>>
Copie e Cole como nova layerPosicione como na imagem final
19 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Cybille_text02.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer
Posicione como na imagem final
20 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa1
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa1
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa121 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 20 pixels cor #ffffff
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 10 pixels cor #337fa1
Ative a Varinha Mágica e selecione essa bordaEffects / Plugins / Graphic Plus / Cross Shadow:
22 - Selections / Select All
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 40 pixels cor #ffffff
Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/70/25/cor #337fa1
Selections / Select None23 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa1
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff
Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa124 - Ative o tube <<Vyp_Cybille_Deco02.pspimage>> Copie e Cole como nova layer
25 - Image /Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #337fa1
26 - Coloque a sua assinatura
27 - Layers / Merge / Merge All (Flatten)
28- Salve Como JPGVersão com tube de Nadège:
©Tutorial traduzido por Estela Fonseca em 31/08/2018.
Não alterar nem repassar sem autorização.