Tutorial de ©crealinegraphic.  Original Aqui

Traduzido no PSP X8


Materiais Necessários:

Tubes  de LB , seu Blog, AQUI

Plugins Utilizados:

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact /Perspective Shadow

Unlimited/Simple/Pizza Slice Mirror

Toadies/What Are You e Waever

Ap 01 Innovation/Lines-Silverlining

XE Extras /Elemental



Abra os tubes no PSP, duplique , minimize e feche os originais.


Nota: Se trabalhar com cores diferentes, jogue com os blends e com as opacidades das layers .

Primeiro Plano cor #97a6b9

Segundo Plano Cor #ffffff

Gradiente Primeiro/Segundo Plano / Estilo Sunburst

01- Abra a Layer <<Alpha-Beatriz>>

Window / Duplicate

Feche a Original / Trabalharemos na Cópia

Preencha com o Gradiente

Effects / Plugins / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror

Repita mais uma vez

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling

Selections / Load Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #1

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugin /Toadies / What Are You

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Blend Mode / Multiply

Effects /3d Effects / Drop Shadow:

02- Ative a Layer do Fundo (raster 1)

Selections / Load Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #2

Selections / Promote Selction to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Ap 01 Innovation / Lines-Silverlining

Layers / Duplicate

Image/mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

Blend Mode / Multiply

03- Ative a Layer do Fundo (raster 1)

Selections / Load Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #3

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Select None

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling

Effects / Plugins  /Ap 01 innovation / Lines-Silverliling (mesmas configurações )

04- Resultado de seu trabalho e sua paleta de layers

05- Ative a Layer do Topo

Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Load Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #4

Preencha a Seleção com a cor do Segundo Plano #ffffff

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Toadies / Weaver...

Adjust / Sharpness  / Sharpen

Blend Mode / Luminance

Effects / Image Effects / Offset

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Distortion Effects / Wind

06-  Ative a Layer <<Promoted Selection>>

Layers / New Raster Layer

Selections / Load Save Selection / Load Selection from Alpha Channel: Selection #5

Ative o tube <<Misted Paisagem>>

Copie e Cole na seleção

Blend Mode / Soft Light ( Ou outro)

Opacidade /65%

Selections / Select None

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

07-  Ative a Layer do Topo

Maximize o tube <<déco_1_Beatriz>>

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Não Mova, o tube está no lugar certo

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 4/-4/20/20,00/ #000000

08- Maximize o tube <<déco_2_Beatriz>>

Copie e Cole como nova layer

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 4/-4/20/20,00/ #000000

Layers / Duplicate

Effects / Distortion Effects / Wind:

09 - Ative a Layer do Fundo (Raster 1)

Effects / Plugin / XE xtras / Elemental

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen More

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling

Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

10- Ative o tube do Texto <texte-Beatriz>>

Copie e Cole como Nova Layer

Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

Dê dois cliques na Paleta das Layers e selecione a Aba Layer Styles

Configure como segue:

Layers / Merge / Merge Visible

Nota: No material há um texto com o efeito aplicado (Beatriz Layer Styles)

11- Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor do Segundo Plano (#ffffff)

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Desmarcado / Cor do Primeiro Plano:

Ative a Varinha Mágica configurada como segue:

Selecione essa borda assimétrica

Effects / Plugins / Toadies / What Are You

Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Blend Mode / Luminance

Selections / Invert

Effects / 3d Effects / Drop Shadow: 0/0/80/40,00 / #000000

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugins / Simple / Diamonds

Opacidade /40%

12- Layers / New Raster Layer

Preencha com a cor do Primeiro Plano (#ffffff)

Selections / Select All

Selections / Modify / Contract 2 pixels

Delete no teclado

Selections / Select None

13- Maximize o tube << woman_Beatriz>>

Copie e Cole como Nova Layer

Image / Resize / 75% ... Resize all layers desmarcado

Adjust / Sharpness / sharpen

Image / Mirror / Mirror Horizontal

Posicione como o modelo

Effects / Plugin / Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Perspective Shadow / 237_Linette_perspectiveshadow

Layers / New Raster Layer

Aplique a sua Marca d'água

Layers / Merge / Merge all (Flatten)

Image / Resize / 950 pixels de Largura ... Reseze all Layers Marcado

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Salve como JPG

Outra versão com tube de Maryse (tube da mulher) e de Marif (Paisagem):


©Tutorial Traduzido por Estela Fonseca 25/05/2017.
Obrigada Linnette por me permitir traduzir seu trabalho.