Tutorial de ©Alenza, original, AQUI.

Tutorial traduzido no PSP X9, mas pode ser feito com outras versões.


Material Necessário:

Tube de Thaïss

Mask de Narah

WordArt de Kathy Frances


Plugins Utilizados:

&<Bkg Kaleidoscope> / Kaleidoscope 9

Simple / Zoom Out and Flip

Filters Unlimited 2 / FunHouse, Heizenberg's Mirror

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Glass

Penta. com / Dot and Cross



Abra os tubes no PSP, duplique e feche os originais.

Copie o Brush para a Pasta <<Brush>> do PSP

Dê dois cliques no preset <<alenza_glass1>> ele será automaticamente importado para a pasta do Plugin.


Tabela de Cores:

1) Abra uma Nova Imagem transparente de 900 / 550 pixels.

2) Primeiro Plano cor #6f1e2f / Segundo Plano Cor #100f0d

3) Gradiente  (Corel_06_029) / Estilo Linear

Preencha a Layer com o Gradiente

4) Effects / Plugin / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 / &<Bkg Kaleidoscope> / Kaleidoscope 9/ Default

5) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

6) Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default

7) Selection Tool (S) / Rectangle / Custom Selection

8) Selections / Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Modify / Select selection Borders:

9) Preencha com a cor #ffffff

Selections / Select None

Effects / Plugin / Simple / Zoom Out and Flip

10) Blend Mode / Soft Light ( ou outro, depende de suas cores)

11) Effects / Texture Effects / Weave

12) Layers / New Raster Layer

Preencha com a cor #ffffff

Abra a Mask <<Narah_Mask_1045>> Minimize

Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image:

13) Layers / Merge / Merge Group

Blend Mode / Luminance (Legacy) ( ou outro dependendo de suas cores)

14) Ative a Layer do Fundo (Raster 1)

Selection Tool (S) / Rectangle / Custom Selection.

15) Selection Promote Selection to Layer

Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders

16) Preencha com a cor branca (#ffffff)

Effects / Texture Effects / Weave

Selections / Select None

17) Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default

18) Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

19) Ative a Layer do Fundo (Raster 1)

Selection Tool (S) / Rectangle / Custom Selection.

20) Selection Promoter Selection to Layer

Selections / Modify / Select Selection Borders:

Selections / Select None

Effects / Distortion Effects / Wind: Right 100

21) Effects / Plugin / <I.C.NET Software> Filters Unlimited 2 / FunHouse / Heizenberg's Mirror.

22) Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

Effects / Image Effects / Seamless Tiling / Default

Blend Mode / Exclusion ( ou outro dependendo de suas cores)

23) Edit / Copy Special / Copy Merged

Cole como Nova Layer

Effects / Geometric Effects / Circle:

24) Image / Resize / 30 %... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado

25) Effects / Plugin /  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Glass / Preset <<Clear>>

26) Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

27) Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

28) Blend Mode / Difference (ou outro dependendo de suas cores).

29) Layers / Duplicate

Image / Resize / 50 %... Resize All Layers ... Desmarcado.

Não Mova!

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

30) Layers / New Raster Layer

Ferramenta <<Brush Tool>> Brush: alenza_divers23

Aplique à direita de sua tag com a cor #ffffff

31) Effects / Plugin /  Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Glass /  Preset <<alenza_glass1>>

32) Blend Mode / Luminance (Legacy)  ( ou outro dependendo de suas cores)

33) Layers / Duplicate

Image / Mirror / Mirror Vertical

Layers / Merge / Merge Down

34) Ative a Layer do Fundo (Raster 1)

Selection Tool (S) / Custom Selection

35) Promote Selection to Layer

Effects / Plugin / Penta. com / Dot and Cross.

36) Selections / Select None

37) Ative a Layer do topo

Abra o tube << Thaïss >>

Image / Resize / 90 %... Resize All Layers ...Marcado

Copie e Cole Como Nova Layer

Adjust / Sharpness / Sharpen

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

38) Abra o tube <<WordArt>>

Image / Resize / 80 %... Resize All Layers ...Marcado

Copie e Cole Como Nova Layer

Image / Negative Image

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

39) Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #6f1e2f

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 3 pixels cor #ffffff

 Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #6f1e2f

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 20 pixel cor #ffffff

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #6f1e2f

Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 40 pixel cor #ffffff

40) Selecione a borda de 40 pixels com a varinha mágica (feather e tolerance 0)

Preencha com o mesmo gradiente do Inicio

41) Selections / Invert

Effects / 3D Effects / Drop Shadow:

Selections / Select None

42)  Image / Add Borders / Symmetric Marcado / 1 pixel cor #100f0d

43) Adicione seu nome ou sua marca d'água

Salve como JPG!

Versão com tube de OBG:


©Tutorial Traduzido por Estela Fonseca 05/08/2017.
Obrigada Alenza por me permitir traduzir seu trabalho.