Tutorial de ©Adri. Original AQUI.

Traduzido no PSP X7


Materiais Necessários:

Tube - Luz Cristina

tube 2123 Woman Lb Tubes

Deco 1


Mask : 1003211258397205672

Mask : xadresmik

Selection Ad_14

Bk Lica Image jpg

Plugins Utilizados:

Toodies / Picasso Last word

Simple / Pizza Slice mirror / blintz

deformation / circulator

toodies / what are you

tramage / tee wee / Wire Mesh

Nic software / Color effex pro / Contrast color range


1- Abra uma nova imagem transparente de 900x600 pixels

2- Selections / Select all

3- Abra << Bkg-Lica >> Copie / Cole na Seleção

4 -Layers / New Raster Layer

5-Primeiro Plano Cor #170880 / Segundo Plano Cor #bea40c

6- Gradiente estiloLinear: Angle 0 / Repeats 1

7- Preencha com o Gradiente

8- Abra a Mask <<1003211258397205672>> Minimize

9- Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

10-Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance

11-Layers / Merge /Merge Group

12-Effects / Plugin / Toodies / Picasso Last word

13-Layers / New Raster layer

14- Primeiro Plano Cor#170880 / Segundo Plano Cor #bea40c Gradiente estilo Linear angle e repeats 0

15- Preencha com o gradiente

16-Effects / Plugin / Simple / Pizza Slice Mirror

17- Effects / Plugin / Simple / Blintz

18-Effects /  Plugin / Deformation / Circulator

19- Effects /Plugin / Tadies / What are you

20- Effects / Plugin / Tramage / tee wee

21- Blend Mode / Soft light

22- Selections / Load save selection / Load selection from disk: Selection AD_14

23- Effects / Plugin / Tramage / Wire Mesh

24- Effects / 3d Effects / Drop shadow :2 / 2 / 35 / 2,00 / #000000

Repita com:  -2 / -2

25- Selections/ Promote Selection to layer

26- Selections / Selection none

Blend mode / Luminance legacy

(Blend Mode e Opacidade de acordo com suas cores)

27- Layers / Duplicate

Image / Flip

28- Layers / Merge / merge down

29- Abra o <<deco 1>>

30- Copie e Cole como nova layer

31-Effects / Image Effects /offset

Colorize usando os valores (Hue and Saturation) de suas cores

32-Effects / 3d Effects / Drop shadow: 25 /32 / 35/2,00 /Cor #320f0f

33- Ative a layer <<Raster 2>>

34- Effects / Plugin/  Nic software / Color effex pro 3 / Contrast Color Range

Blend mode / Overlay

35- Ative a layer superior

Layers / New Raster layer

36- Preencha com a cor #170880

37- Abra a mask <<xadresmik>> Minimize

38- Layers / New Mask Layer / From Image

39-Effects / Edge Effects / Enhance More

40-Layers / Merge / Merge Group

Seu trabalho e sua paleta de cores deve estar assim:

41- Abra o tube <<Luz Cristina 455>>

42- Copie e Cole como nova layer

43- Image /Resize / 80 % (Resize all layers desmarcado)

44-Effects / Image Effects / Offset:

45- Effects / Plugin / Alien skin Eye candy 5 impact / Perspective shadow /Reflect in front

46- Abra o tube <<2123 Woman Lb Tubes>>

47- Copie e Cole como nova layer

48- Effects/ 3D Effects /Drop Shadow/ 23 / 76 / 35 / 2,00 /#000000

49- Abra o tube <<Text>> Copie e Cole como nova layer

50- Posicione como gostar

51- Effects / 3d Effects / Drop´Shadow: 35 /32 / 35 / 2,00 / #dc9c00

52-Image /Add Borders / 1 pixel cor #332149

Image /Add Borders /15 pixels cor #FFFFFF

Image /Add Borders / 2 pixels cor #332149

Image /Add Borders / 5 pixels cor #FFFFFF

Image /Add Borders / 5 pixels cor#d2051a

Image /Add Borders / 5 pixels cor#FFFFFF

Image /Add Borders / 1 pixel cor #332149

Image /Add Borders / 20 pixels cor #FFFFFF

Image /Add Borders / 1 pixel cor #332149

52- Coloque seu nome ou sua marca d'água

Layers / Merge / Merge All

Redimensione se desejar.


©Tutorial Traduzido por Estela Fonseca em 03/08/2015.
Obrigada Adri por me permitir traduzir seu trabalho.